Can You Quit Your Job While on Workers’ Comp?
Posted in Personal Injury,Workers' Compensation on January 22, 2019
The workers’ compensation system provides important benefits to injured workers in California. Under state law, most employers must provide workers’ compensation benefits to their employees. The benefits provide medical care and a portion of the worker’s salary, as well as other benefits outlined in the policy regarding temporary and permanent disability. If you are an… read more
Should I File a Workers’ Comp Claim for Carpal Tunnel?
Posted in Personal Injury,Workers' Compensation on January 15, 2019
Workers’ compensation laws exist to protect workers when they sustain an injury during the course of performing their job duties. Some people erroneously assume that such benefits only apply to highly physical jobs such as construction or manual labor. In truth, workers can receive benefits for all manner of injury, including those that come from… read more
Can I Claim Workers’ Compensation for Stress?
Posted in Personal Injury,Workers' Compensation on January 8, 2019
Workers’ compensation laws can be difficult to navigate, as they vary from state to state. Generally, workers’ compensation insurance exists to provide injured employees with benefits in the event they sustain an injury through the course of their work duties. When a workplace accident occurs, an employee files a personal injury claim in California with… read more
What Is a Free Consultation with a Lawyer?
Posted in Personal Injury on December 18, 2018
If you have ever needed to search for a personal injury lawyer in Long Beach, you may have noticed that many law firms advertise free consultations. It is important to know what this means and what to expect should you schedule a consultation with an attorney. The consultation is a client’s opportunity to thoroughly vet… read more
Can You Claim for Pothole Damage?
Posted in Car Accidents,Personal Injury on December 11, 2018
If a driver sustains injuries and/or vehicle damage in a car accident, the first thing the driver should do after addressing immediate medical issues is to determine who is at fault for the accident. In most single-vehicle accidents, the affected drivers simply assume they are to blame because no other drivers took part in the… read more
Who Is at Fault in a Car Accident Changing Lanes?
Posted in Car Accidents,Personal Injury on December 11, 2018
When it comes to lane-changing accidents, most collisions occur on multi-lane highways and interstate roads that generally have much higher speed limits than residential and commercial areas. It can be very difficult to determine who is to blame in a lane change accident at higher speeds. Lots of cars passing and changing lanes means that… read more
What Is Maximum Medical Improvement?
Posted in Personal Injury,Workers' Compensation on November 27, 2018
Some injuries may only require a few days or weeks to fully heal while others lead to long-term or permanent complications. Despite the major advances in medical technology over the past several decades, there is only so much that medical professionals can do. When a patient reaches the point where no further treatment will improve… read more
What Is Diminished Value?
Posted in Car Accidents,Personal Injury on November 13, 2018
Most vehicle owners know that a brand new car starts losing value as soon as a driver takes it off the lot but there are many other factors that may influence the value of a vehicle. A driver who has a serious accident may mistakenly assume that his or her insurance policy covers more than… read more
What Is the Difference Between Wrongful Death and Survival Action?
Posted in Personal Injury,Wrongful Death on October 10, 2018
The legal ramifications can be extensive when a person dies due to the negligent actions of another person or party. Two of the main ways the surviving family members can secure compensation for the wrongful death of another family member hinge on the wrongful death laws and survival action laws in the state in which… read more
Can I Sue a Rental Car Company for an Accident?
Posted in California,Car Accidents,Personal Injury on September 24, 2018
Accidents happen – even when you’re on vacation and driving a rental a car. Whether you’re the party driving the rental vehicle or on the other side of the crash, you need to know what involvement of a rental vehicle could mean for your claim in California. Accidents with rentals are unique and can be… read more