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Who is Responsible for Uber or Lyft Accidents in California?

If an accident occurs involving a rideshare vehicle, who is responsible? This isn’t a “chicken or egg” type of question – rideshare accidents are not uncommon throughout our area of California.  If an Uber or Lyft accident occurs, there will need to be an extensive investigation into the incident to determine liability. However, if you… read more

The Difference Between a Wrongful Death and an Accidental Death

When a person loses their life due to an unexpected incident, family members and friends will most certainly have questions. One of those questions may be whether or not another individual was responsible for the incident. Wrongful death claims arise in a variety of ways throughout California, but not every untimely death is a wrongful… read more

Common Causes of Wrongful Death

Wrongful death claims arise when a person loses their life due to the negligent actions or misconduct of another individual or entity. These claims arise in a wide variety of ways, and they can allow family members and the estate of the deceased to recover compensation for their loss. Here, we want to examine more… read more

How Common are Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries can occur when a person sustains a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body or a penetrating injury, such as a gunshot wound or from some other type of external force. These types of injuries can range in severity from minor concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries that have lasting… read more

Common Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries can have significant long-term impacts on a victim. However, there are various levels of spinal cord injury that a person can sustain that can affect their long-term prognosis. Here, we want to review the levels of spinal cord injuries as well as how these incidents occur.  Incomplete Versus Complete Spinal Cord Injuries… read more

What Happens if My Employer Denies My Workers’ Compensation Claim?

If you or somebody you love has sustained a workplace injury but received a claim denial from the employer or an insurance carrier, you may need to go through the official appeals process in order to recover the benefits you are entitled to. However, appealing a workers’ compensation decision can be challenging, and we encourage… read more

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

The elderly and those unable to care for themselves should be safe in nursing homes. Unfortunately, there are times when nursing home residents suffer from various types of abuse. Any abuse of these vulnerable populations is abhorrent, and victims may be able to recover compensation. Information from the National Council on Aging indicates that approximately… read more

How do Insurance Policies Work in Car Accident Cases?

Every driver in California is legally responsible for insuring their vehicles. The minimum amounts of insurance required are set by state law, and insurance is designed to help individuals either recover compensation from an at-fault driver or pay compensation if they cause a crash. Here, we want to review how insurance policies work after a… read more

What Should I Do if I’m Hit by a Car While Walking?

If you sustain an injury after being struck by a vehicle while walking, you may be able to recover compensation for your losses. However, there are various steps you can take to help improve your chances of success with an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit.  Check for Injuries and Seek Treatment If you get… read more

Who is Liable for My Injuries in a Rideshare Accident?

Rideshare services such as Uber and Lyft have become immensely popular over the last decade. However, there are times when accidents involving rideshare vehicles occur. In these situations, who will hold liability for the incident? Determining liability is important because injury and property damage victims should be able to recover compensation from the at-fault party…. read more