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How To File An Injury Claim With Airbnb

The last thing any person expects when they rent an Airbnb is that they will sustain an injury on the property. Here, we want to examine the intricacies involved with injury claims against Airbnb or against the property owner who used Airbnb to facilitate the rental between the two parties. We want to review the… read more

How Long Do You Have To File a Slip and Fall Claim in California

If you or somebody you care about sustains an injury caused by a slip and fall incident in California, you may be able to file a lawsuit against another party to recover compensation. If the careless or negligent actions of a property owner led to the slip and fall accident occurring, you need to file… read more

Can You Sue a Hotel If You Are Injured During Your Stay?

If you or your loved ones stay at a hotel, the last thing you expect is that an injury will occur. You certainly will not expect an injury or illness caused by the careless or negligent actions of the owners were operators of the hotel. Here, we want to discuss what it takes to file… read more

How Much Is Your Car Accident Case Worth?

If you or somebody you love sustains an injury or property damage in a vehicle accident caused by the negligence of another driver, you should be able to recover compensation. This compensation could come through a settlement with the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier or as a result of a personal injury lawsuit against the other… read more

How Much is Your Catastrophic Injury Case Worth?

Catastrophic injuries are those that significantly affect a person’s quality of life. Generally, these types of injuries are defined as severe and usually lead to some sort of permanent disability, scarring, or disfigurement. Due to the nature of the severity of catastrophic injuries, these claims are typically worth more than traditional personal injury cases. Here,… read more

Can You Switch Personal Injury Lawyers In The Middle of a Case?

If you’ve been injured due to the negligence of another individual and are working to recover compensation through a lawsuit, there is a good chance you have a lawyer by your side already. These claims can be difficult, and having an attorney assisting you through the process is crucial. However, will you be able to… read more

What Is Workplace Retaliation? 

No individual should have to face unfair treatment in the workplace, including retaliation from a supervisor or their employer. Retaliation can occur for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, employees face backlash for reporting unsafe working conditions or discrimination in the workplace. In other cases, individuals face retaliation simply because of who they are, particularly if… read more

Limits to At-Will Employment in California

Most areas around the country are considered at-will employment states, including California. This means a few things. First, an employer can terminate an employee at any time, with or without cause. Additionally, this means that an employee can leave their job for any reason without giving their employer notice. However, the at-will employment doctrine does… read more

Can You Sue a Toxic Workplace in California For Emotional Damages?

Work can be stressful sometimes, but there is such a thing as a toxic workplace. When a workplace becomes toxic, this can lead to significant emotional and psychological stress for workers. Not every toxic workplace revolves around illegal activity, but if the employer was negligent or intentionally inflicted emotional distress, California workers may be able… read more

Suing Your California Employer For a Slip and Fall Injury at Work

If you or somebody you care about has sustained a slip and fall injury at work in California, there is a good chance you will need compensation for medical bills and maybe even lost wages if you are unable to work. Most California employees are able to recover workers’ compensation in these situations, but it… read more