Who is Liable for a Car Accident Due to Sun Glare?

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Blinded by the light, but not the Springsteen song. Glare from the sun can be a serious hazard, but when it causes an accident it can lead to serious liability questions.

After any vehicle accident, our Long Beach car accident attorneys know the process of determining liability is important so that the victims can recover compensation for their injuries and property damage expenses. But sun glare is natural, right? Who could be held accountable?

This is a complicated question, and liability is often muddied by other acts of negligence that occurred at the same time the sun glare incident happened.

Driver Responsibility in Sun Glare Accidents

Even though sun glare is a natural occurrence, drivers cannot use it as an excuse for causing a collision. According to California law, drivers have a duty to operate their vehicles safely under all conditions, including when the sun impairs their vision. This means taking appropriate precautions when driving in conditions that increase the likelihood of sun glare, such as sunrise or sunset. If a driver fails to adjust their behavior accordingly and causes a crash, they can still be held liable for the damages.

For example, a driver should slow down, increase the distance between themselves and the vehicle ahead, and even consider taking an alternate route to avoid the sun if it significantly impairs their vision. Simply blaming the sun will not absolve a driver of responsibility if they could have taken preventive measures.

How Sun Glare Contributes to Accidents

Sun glare can be particularly dangerous because it impacts visibility. It tends to be most severe during sunrise and sunset when the sun is positioned low on the horizon. This blinding light can reduce a driver’s ability to see traffic signals, pedestrians, and other vehicles, leading to accidents. However, sun glare is not only an issue during these peak times—bright sunlight reflecting off surfaces like car windshields or wet roads can also create hazardous driving conditions at any time of day.

Additionally, scientific studies have found that drivers are 16% more likely to be involved in life-threatening accidents in bright sunlight compared to other weather conditions. Sun glare not only affects visibility but can also distort a driver’s perception of speed and distance, making it harder to judge oncoming traffic or maintain safe following distances.

Steps Drivers Can Take to Prevent Sun Glare Accidents

While drivers cannot control the sun, they can take steps to minimize the risks posed by glare. Some of the most effective measures include:

  • Wearing polarized sunglasses. These glasses reduce glare and improve visibility in bright sunlight.
  • Using sun visors. Adjusting or extending visors can block the direct light without obstructing vision.
  • Keeping windshields clean. A dirty windshield scatters light, making sun glare more intense.
  • Slowing down. Drivers should reduce their speed and increase following distances when glare impairs visibility.
  • Planning alternate routes. Avoiding roads where glare is known to be an issue, especially during peak times, can also reduce the likelihood of an accident.

Legal Liability in Sun Glare Accidents

Even though sun glare may play a significant role in causing an accident, drivers are still responsible for ensuring they operate their vehicles safely. In most cases, drivers cannot claim sun glare as a defense to avoid liability. California courts expect drivers to anticipate the dangers of sun glare, much like other hazardous weather conditions, such as rain or fog.

If a driver fails to take reasonable precautions and causes an accident, they can be held liable for any resulting personal injuries or property damage. Long Beach personal injury attorneys can help file a personal injury lawsuit claim. This includes cases where the driver did not reduce their speed, adjust their route, or use proper eyewear to mitigate the effects of glare.

Seeking Compensation After a Sun Glare Accident

If you have been involved in an accident where sun glare was a factor, you may still be able to seek compensation. The experienced attorneys at Harting Simkins and Ryan, LLP can help establish the other driver’s negligence, regardless of the environmental conditions. Their attorneys can gather evidence, such as eyewitness accounts or accident reports, to prove that the other driver failed to take appropriate precautions under the circumstances. Contact us at Harting Simkins and Ryan, LLP. to seek compensation today!