Will Bias Towards Motorcyclists Affect My Case?

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It is true that motorcycle accidents happen often, and insurance companies recognize this. In some situations, they may instantly think that the rider was at fault for acting in a dangerous manner, whether they have the information to prove this or not. Will bias toward motorcyclists affect your case? It could be if you do not take the steps necessary to protect your rights and demonstrate with accuracy what happened to you. As with any injury, speak with a Long Beach motorcycle accident lawyer about your case.

What is Motorcycle Bias?

Motorcycle bias is common, meaning there is often a prejudice against a motorcycle rider. This bias is often based on the belief that motorcyclists are adventure-seekers, dangerous drivers, and rule-breakers. Is it true? Most motorcyclists are safe drivers, and they respect their role in remaining safe on the roadways. Yet, this bias exists, and it could impact your ability to recover damages if you do not address it.

Types of Bias Against Motorcyclists

Some of the most common forms of bias that Long Beach brain injury attorneys see when navigating these complex cases include:

  • Reckless bike riders: Motorcyclists are often thought of as risk-takers. Even if that is the case, many riders are law-abiding. However, the negative bias in these cases often stems from the belief that riders are reckless to the point of being indifferent to others on the road.
  • They are at fault: Some insurance companies will automatically believe the rider did something to be at fault, even when that may not be the case. Without conducting a thorough investigation, they cannot (or should not) state that the rider is at fault, but some may not put the time into that research.

In either of these situations, the rider is at a disadvantage. What makes it even more challenging is that you will not know if the insurance company is biased or not, and that means it will likely impact what they are willing to pay you for your losses.

How to Overcome Motorcycle Rider Bias

There are several ways you can demonstrate that you were not at fault and, as a result, should receive fair compensation for your losses. Instead, bias often creates blame-shifting, underestimation of damages, increased scrutiny of your claim, and outright denials. There are several ways a motorcycle accident attorney will work with you to overcome these challenges:

  • Gather evidence of what took place from as many sources as possible. That includes witness statements, video or camera footage, and your statements demonstrating what occurred.
  • Use accident recreation tools to demonstrate what really did happen to lead to motorcycle injuries and loss.
  • Documentation from the hospital indicating what your injuries were at the time of the accident, as well as what could have caused those injuries when possible.

Working with a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Can Be Critical

Motorcycle accident victims nearly always benefit from working directly with an attorney with specific experience in this area. Your Long Beach accident attorney will not allow you to be treated poorly and will ensure that you are not unjustly blamed for the accident. They go to work for you, demonstrating what all of your losses are and why the other driver owes you for them. If you believe you are not receiving fair compensation for your accident or are being wrongfully accused of being at fault, reach out to an injury attorney in Long Beach who is capable of showing proof of what took place.